
Start Scanning in as Few as Five Minutes

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Improving your security posture can be as simple as a few clicks

The modern UI 和 intuitive workflows built on the Insight platform make InsightAppSec easy to deploy, 管理, 和运行. Scan applications hosted on closed networks with the optional on-premise engine.

Get up 和运行ning in minutes

InsightAppSec is designed for users who want to start immediately, without having to wade through documentation or attend training classes. No software installation is necessary to scan internet-accessible applications. Out-of-the-box attack templates also make it simple for users to quickly get to the specific results they're looking for.

Navigate with ease using modern workflows

Whether you're an application security pro or just starting out, the intuitive workflows in InsightAppSec guide you through scan setup 和 execution quickly. Even better, it's just as simple to interpret vulnerability findings 和 remediation recommendations. Stop digging through layers of menus 和 options, 和 get to what matters most, faster.

Free 30-Day Trial of InsightAppSec



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